Shy Guy, introvert thyself!

The June Brides - In The RainWOOIn other times, there were particularly romantic analogue pleasures. Letters. Long conversations. Dancing. Things made by hands, for hands. Not better, just different. Now a young man can conduct his campaign of wooing from 1,000 miles away, without ever putting pen to paper or even voice to telephone: through cute, self-revealing tumblr posts; through chats chock full of winking emoticons; through pictures staged with 90% forethought, 10% laziness; by posturing online as an alpha, while when it comes to the stern task of living everyday life, he is merely a participant in, not a determinant of, what happens. There is no grandeur in this view, but empirical evidence suggests it.The June Brides, luckily enough, know nothing of this. They are forever stuck in the slow tactile old world. Kin, of a sort, with Orange Juice and Belle & Sebastian. The June Brides will knit you not one, not two, but five scarves, one for each weekday--and two sweaters for the weekend. The June Brides will make you a mixtape (tape) at the drop of a hat, and for any and every occasion: dentist appointment = mixtape, false pregnancy = mixtape, haircut = mixtape. Somehow they have hot chocolate on draft? In their car? And a zine they publish called Spotted Dick, mostly short-short stories about fashionably dressed people eating custard. The June Brides want to tell you, baby: there are some things worth holding on to, and you're one of them.[Buy Every Conversation]

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