The switch is on and you start pounding

The Avalanches - Extra KingsIt's been nine years since the Avalanches' "Since I Left You." That means there are kids who were born after the release of that record who are now having their own kids (maybe)(not really). I remember the first time I heard anything from the album--I was at a party and my friend cued up Frontier Psychiatrist on the CD player and said (no kidding) something like, "this is the future." It seemed a ridiculous and comically dramatic thing for my friend to say, and I think I probably scoffed and predicted further and greater success, possible canonization, for the Mooney Suzuki or Mum or something foolish like that. But damn my friend was right. "Since I Left You" was the future back then (c.f. the sampling techniques of people like Panda Bear, Girl Talk, El Guincho, et al. ad inf. surely some of those nine year-old kids born post-SILY are playing around on their Roland samplers, making chillwave songs out of SpongeBob dialogue snippets). Where's the second album? They've been clearing samples for what feels like three full years. Are their lawyers just lazy or horrible? If anyone from the Avalanches reads this, drop me a line, I'm working my way through the condensed paperback of "Big Ideas: an Intellectual Property Law Primer" and I'm really getting a feel for this stuff. I think I could help out.[BUY Since I Left You]

Cornish jokes

Fermat's first theorem