
Braid - What A Wonderful PuddleSpherical Space CraftIt's tempting, of course, to interpret the meaning behind the placement of songs on a mix cd. "What does this one mean? What's being said?" etc. And its especially easy to fall into an intense feedback loop of this type of second-guessing and interpretation, because once you start engaging with a mix cd in that manner, you realize, wait, this is just music, I'm being ridiculous: it's simply a collection of songs that this other person happens to enjoy and wants to share with me, another person who enjoys music in all its forms. But obviously the other person must have made choices in their selection of songs, bound as they are by the finite nature of the medium (though now I guess you could probably rig up an transfinite mix somehow). Those choices were made with the audience in mind. Those choices are rhetorical choices, to some extent. So interpretation is not only warranted, but maybe encouraged. And you're back again at the point where you're seriously parsing the lyrics to songs to try to discern what meaning the song might have for the other person, what portion of their own character they're trying to communicate to you, the listener. It'd be fun to make a mix that was inscrutable though, wouldn't it? Just one long tone, interrupted by occasional seconds of silence, and labeled with different track names.This Braid song was put on a mix cd for me about a decade ago, and I still enjoy it. Braid have come out of semi-retirement recently to release a new EP, "Closer to Closed," which is also very good.[Buy Closer to Closed and Movie Music Volume 1]

rations soccer the price of shoes

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