Colloquial Neon

Scritti Politti - Small Talk

small talkAs far as human ears can tell, this song might as well be made of spun sugar. "Set your keyboards to 'Candy'!" Green Gartside surely yelled to his bandmates before the recording of this track. Small Talk: Known to inspire bouts of extremely goofy interpretive dancing in its listeners. Also represents a challenge, from Gartside to parties unknown, to set aside the insignificant and engage in (or accomplish) something that is meaningful and ambitious. It's nice to hear a message that, when expressed in most circumstances comes across as a condescending reprimand or paternalistic warning, is delivered here through the vehicle of a dangerously catchy song, with the effect that it's almost like someone sending you a giant chocolate chip cookie with a bright pink frosting headline that says, "Start Doing Something Real." What a great piece of music.[Buy Cupid & Psyche 85]

Lifelong Lechery

rations soccer the price of shoes