Like Hair Let Loose

Kiss Me Deadly - Dance 1

'Dance 1' is a slinky, late-night, taboo makeout session. Emily Elizabeth's voice is sexy in that breathy, sort of petulant-sounding way (the v. best way), and she coos, squeals, and begs her way through this track (also, she says "making out like a thief," so good). The guitars here are all over the place--aggressive, subdued, clean--however, the prettiest parts are the little delayed-note eddies they create, which remind me a lot of the undertow pull of the guitar phrases in Disco Inferno's 'Arc in Round'. The beginning of this song though, with tough little metallic beats, spindly guitar, and handclaps, is terribly addictive. I wish I knew what happened to Kiss Me Deadly--they still have a myspace page, but it doesn't look promising. "Misty Medley" is an amazing album.[Buy Misty Medley]

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