Magic markerhands

Sandro Perri and Friends - The DrumsThere is probably a musical term for this that I do not know, but I love it when songs are built up, slowly and mysteriously, from disparate parts into a surprising whole. Some bands are especially good at doing this live (Animal Collective in their Feels era and Liars pre-TWWSWD come immediately to mind) and it's kind of amazing when it's done well--they (the band) know where the song's going, but you, in the audience, have no idea, and you're standing there trying to piece this shit together: Where's that hard drumbeat going underneath this slow vocal? Why is she tremolo-picking that autoharp? Etc. Almost all of Sandro Perri's songs do this to me: his Polmo Polpo stuff and the music he's made under his own name. He's a puzzle-maker. Listen to that jigsaw.[BUY The European Tour CDR (expensive) or the Tiny Mirrors LP]

Disconnected Thoughts

In the Hall of the Pumpking