
The Proper Ornaments released a song a while back called “You Still,” (which I wrote about here) a perfect little track, strong on melody, delicate and memorable. “You Still” will occasionally pop into my head apropos of nothing, even if I haven’t listened to it in months; it has a mysterious persistence that you wouldn’t normally associate with such a quiet, unassuming song. Because of all that, I’ve been waiting to hear more from them, and now comes the news that the band are releasing a single, to be followed by an album later in the summer.“Waiting For The Summer” is catchy, of course, and like the aforementioned “You Still,” will no doubt stay stuck in your head for a while after you’ve listened to it. The vibe of this song brings to (my) mind something like the cover photo for Belle & Sebastian’s “3..6..9 Seconds of Light,” it’s all brightness, subtle detail, warm smiles, intimations of beachside happenings. [Also wonderful is the B-side, “Candy,” which is another supremely gorgeous miniature, like a densely compressed version of The Village Green Preservation Society][BUY Waiting For The Summer]

Muir Beach Woods Ocean

Wave lap luminescent panes