Happy Meal Colossus

Why? - Good FridaySelected lines from this song:Mortaring your ear-holes shut in a rush with wet coke/in a Starbucks bathroom with the door closed.Caught unaware like Houdini when the last fist struck.Cutting the punch line but it ain't no joke.I am--what the hell--using Purell 'til my hands bleed and swell.Feels exciting/touching your hand writing.I say the Friday before Easter is not good.When I saw Why? play this song, there was a woman in the crowd dancing to this so dramatically and enthusiastically that it made me think: It's possible to dance to anything, even an eloquent, subdued lament like this. Also, I wondered whether Yoni Wolf could see this woman from the stage, because the little routine she had put together was a perfect match for the song--she incorporated lots of weary-looking hand + head movements and appropriately resigned half-smiles & wistful gazes. It was impressive.[BUY Alopecia]

We tumbld into love
