Extraordinary editions


Pissed Jeans - Cafeteria Food

No one likes Pissed Jeans as much as they should, really. This is a band that should be celebrated, adored, idolized. Multiple encomia should be dedicated to them on a weekly basis, I believe, via as many different media as is feasible: newspaper, blog, email chain, graffiti, sky-written poem.No one in Pennsylvania, Pissed Jeans' home state, even likes them as much as they should. If there were any justice reigning over the gray bleak stretches of the keystone state, Pissed Jeans would be recognized as the official band of PA. I don't know who currently holds that office, maybe G. Love and Special Sauce? Pissed Jeans write excellent songs that are often very funny, or very perceptive--or mostly both. There is nothing not-wonderful about these lines from Cafeteria Food: "Stick figure family on the back of your car/you know I find that to be rude/Walking around like you own the place/you must think you're some kind of dude." Matt Korvette goes on like this (in a way that's a little reminiscent of George Perec's The Art of Asking your Boss for a Raise) and later mentions receiving an email flashing on his screen, and there's a totally beautiful off-song chime to mark the moment. Not a lot of bands are capable of that.[BUY Honeys][Also have to state again that Matt Korvette runs his own amazing music website, Yellow Green Red. He writes exceedingly well about what seems like thousands of records.]{Image is: "Olmeca 1370 BCE" by Dewey Tafoya}

