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Excepter - Targets

Posting this again because 1) I love this song, and 2) Excepter is back with a new album, Familiar--though I haven't heard it yet (more on that soon). Just happy that John Fell Ryan and co. are still making music.This is, I think, the meanest beat Excepter's ever made. This track breaks jaws--that beat is police sirens and broken factory windows, and someone tied up in a damp furnace room, banging out an SOS on steam pipes. "Targets" sweats outs a very purpose-driven/not-to-be-fucked-with vibe. So seductive.If you've never listened to Excepter before, maybe now's the time to try. You're getting older everyday. Things can't be all witchwave and chillstep forever. Kombucha IVs and organic oatmeal will not save you. Nor will artisanal puddings, yogurts, or pastes. Respice finem, etc. Sometimes you need to listen to a song that's nothing but convergent moans, synthesized lathes, and mammoth drumlike entities.[BUY LATE + Tank Tapes]

Ignoble tenets of despair

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