
John Roberts - Interlude (Telelphone)Initially a chime and piano salad, but that's just a disguise. It gets a little tougher and thicker, like a steak yogurt (everyone eats those, right?), as it progresses. Something like the buried part of every track on Dummy. This album, "Glass Eights," is kind of a wonder: it takes a lot of unexpected turns, on nearly all its ten tracks, but those twists never feel like the musical equivalent to shitty Twilight Zone endings, i.e. it's never the case that a Bulgarian folk band takes over the melody, surprise!, or an auto-tuned sample of Woody Woodpecker is revealed as the basis of the rhythm track, yikes! watch out! you know. It's all charming but not dismissible as 'just charming' and I think I'm in love with it.[BUY Glass Eights]

Deliquesce in the Daisies

Iodoform and pommes frites