
Allegorie_der_Tulipomanie_(Tulpenzwiebel_mit_Gold)A dream: you can go back and re-do your own birth. A new draft. No hospitals. This will be a home birth, for sure. A midwife will attend. Everyone knows a baby born in a hospital is basically a corporate baby already, robbed of vitality and humanity. Hospital babies might as well be born with sponsorship decals on their backs from Pfizer, etc. Though there is a new sense, you have heard, that home births even have been compromised. By Big Midwifery. How can your birth be real if other people are involved? If you’re ever going to be real, like, real as shit, it needs to be just you, your mom, and your pop. Scratch that, just you and your mom. Scratch that, just you. Floating out of the ether. An accretion of phlogiston made human. That’s how things should be.[BUY Half Awake EP]

Nimbus of heat

Fish fry in the deciduous