quiet hecatomb of Tamagotchi

The_hunter_and_the_trapper_in_North_America;_or,_Romantic_adventures_in_field_and_forest._From_the_French_of_Bénédict_Révoil_(1875)_(14563482939)Lift up your eyes! Looks like rain. Lift up your hearts! Clots are serious. Lift up your arms! Grab that fruit for me. Lift up your feet! There’s toilet paper stuck to your heel, and I need to vacuum there. Lift up your lips! You should smile more. Lift up your fingers! You’d be a poor telegraph operator. Lift up your ears! Listen why don’t you, yikers. Lift up your pants! It’s starting to flood in here. Lift up your hooves! Step daintily around the sinkholes.[BUY Under Summer]

Urgent earnestness

Shoulder a burden, will you