world death

Mt. Rainier from NisquallyOh man. Friends. Allow yourselves a momentary respite from worrying about the possible/probable imminent death of the planet. Take a deep breath and listen to this song, Judy French, by White Reaper. It’s not long and it will bring you enjoyment for its entire duration and what more can you ask of it? There’s an undeniable drive in this song that (musically) speaks of summer, East Coast summer, which is to say, pure and insane heat and humidity made bearable only by the freedom granted by the length of the days and the attendant increase in the likelihood of spontaneous parties of the backyard, municipal, block, illicit, and other varieties. Judy French is all yearning, pleading, hoping, cajoling. Hearts exploding with desire.[BUY the World's Best American Band]

House show itinerant

the birth of the firework