
The solar eclipse is coming. The summer of totality, they say. If you stand in the middle of the path of totality, you yourself will be fulfilled, totaled. Through your welder’s-grade viewer, you’ll be able to look at the fucking sun: blocked hard as hell by the interloping moon. Celestial bodies, taunting each other. It will be photographed, brutally and infinitely. This is your chance to mock the sun, for the minute-plus that it’s thwarted in its mission. Gawk. Gather with others to watch the occurrence at eclipse parties, then plunge into an intense melancholy. Relive the moment, over and over again, for the next decade by watching, in isolation, amateur video and photographic documentation of the eclipse. Produce, for friends and family, a brief memoir about your experience called “Ekleipein: A disappearing act.”[BUY Double Worshipper]


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