Black Belt Eagle Scout - Soft Stud

Mount Rainier from Reflection LakeThis is a beautiful song about naked, wild yearning, sung beautifully. It all builds from slow, tender strums and whispered declarations into crashing electric turbulence. “Need you/want you.” What a simple phrase to express a humble and real truth. Sometimes you need someone so badly, it feels as if you’re about to burst right out of your own body—this song effectively renders that feeling in musical form. Black Belt Eagle Scout’s album, “Mother of My Children,” is coming out soon, and judging by the handful of songs that have been released from it ("Just Lie Down" and "Indians Never Die" are both gorgeous too), it seems like it could be one of the albums of the year.[Pre-order Mother of My Children]

Dmitry Evgrafov - Return EP

Yo-Yo Ma - Six Evolutions - Bach: Cello Suites