
Breton - Pop DeathHere's another small excerpt from my forthcoming mp3blogging memoir, "Bit Rate and Hit Rate." The below discusses "Transfinitude," an obscure mp3blog that existed from 2000-2001.I stumbled across Transfinitude thanks to a post on the Belle & Sebastian message board (which in those days was an actual cork board, housed in a loft outside London, which was updated by a fastidious team of volunteers, who would take photos of the board every day and send copies of those photos, via post, to subscribers). The site was primitive: a splash of color, a dash of text. There were mp3s, but not of popular songs--the mp3s were the criticism, they were songs written about other songs. A little rondelet about Elliott Smith's "Son of Sam." A twelve-minute electro dirge about Portishead's "All Mine." A damning and startlingly grave instrumental response to G. Love's "Rodeo Clowns." The site's motto, written in an unidentifiable font, some sort of helvetica-bookman crossbreed perhaps, was, "Architecture is frozen music, and writing about music is like dancing about architecture, and so this is a foxtrot done inside an igloo." Surely meant as some sort of aphorism, though the syllogistic structure went right over my head. Transfinitude disappeared without warning in the summer of 2001.[Buy the Counter Balance EP]

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