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Ital - Ital's ThemeStayin' Alive 2, released for the PC in 1998, was a vast improvement over the original Stayin' Alive videogame. While the story in the original SA game followed Jonny, a young, poorly rendered disco dancer who had to battle his way to the floors of Studio 54 to save his abducted girlfriend, Tina, from various disco gangs and dance cabals. Stayin' Alive 2, on the other hand, allows you to control a number of different protagonist dancers, and allows you to travel to venues around the world, in New York, London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Hong Kong, and Tokyo. In Stayin' Alive 2, the goal is not as focused on one person or one relationship (like Jonny and Tina in the original), but more on the development and spread of a certain style of dance. You, as the player, are the invisible hand of the dance economy, so to speak, acting through various individual dancers to effect change. One of the most intense stages of SA 2 finds you in Rome, dancing at a club called Sprezzatura. Your dancer, in this club, is named Emil. You're introduced to him in a scene at the bar, where he orders a drink and chats up a pixelated beauty on his right. Then, in the middle of a question--when Emil is asking the girl about a strange tattoo behind her ear--this song, "Ital's Theme," starts throbbing quietly in the background. Emil stops. Puts down his drink. Holds his hand up before the girl. "This is my music," he says. He walks through the crowd to the floor, crosses himself nine times, and begins to dance. This is where you take over.[Buy Ital's Theme]

turn it down, fever

profligacy police