What If What If

Weekend - End TimesMore Party ActivitiesOpening Mixer: New Brunswick Stew. Pin on the backs of guests the names of ingredients of New Brunswick Stew: beef, potatoes, turnips, carrots, rock salt, rice, pepper, onions, oranges, Vulcanized rubber, water, celery, tomatoes, aitchbone, chelated iron, pork, parsnips, cinnamon, butter, soap, milk, etc. There are 72 ingredients. The guest that gets them all written down first wins. Of course this will be difficult to do, as everyone must try to keep the others from reading what is on their back. Expect this mixer to end quickly, and in bloodshed. Keep plasma and cheap coagulants on hand for the hemophiliacs.Try Your Luck on Telling the Truth: Prepare a list of questions somewhat like the following and ask different people in the group to answer correctly the question asked them, telling them that they are on their honor to tell the truth. Tap a syringe labeled ‘sodium pentothal’ while you say this.(1) How much did you pay for your suit of clothes?(2) How many times have you been proposed to, and why? Was it out of pity?(3) Who do you think is the homeliest man in this room?(4) If (insert name) were your child, what would you do to him?(5) If you were proposed to, was it because you were pregnant?(6) Did you fake this pregnancy?(7) Why is the homeliest man so homely? Is it those hairs on his nose?(8) If you were a leper, would you purposefully become a toll-booth money collector tospread your disease?ETC.[Preorder Weekend's debut album, Sports]


A Rasher of Bubblegum