
Forest Swords - MiarchesWe were told to leave the normal office and go to the orangery. That was the secondary location for our project. Contingency planning required that we have three operational sites, though I knew only of the orangery, and no one I asked could tell me where we'd go if the orangery flooded or lost power or was attacked by a scurvy-maddened mob. Though of course there were no oranges in the orangery, which was only one of the many disappointments on offer there. In the car on the way over, I wondered aloud to N where we might go in the event that both the normal office and the orangery were offline, which is the word the contingency planners used, and N said to not worry about it, the whole thing was planned out to the smallest detail, even down to the doormen and the janitors. Are there tertiary janitors? I asked him. Do they know they're in line to assume the office if their predecessors should fail? Of course, N said. It's all written down in a plan. It stands to reason that the contingent sites grow more unlikely as one proceeds down the line of possibility, so perhaps the tertiary site is a hunting shack or shanty town in the middle of the woods. What if one of us were offline, I asked, what would happen then? N either did not know or care to admit to such knowledge.[BUY Dagger Paths]

She's news that stays news' news

What If What If