Sex like a magistrate

Animal Collective - On A Plain (Nirvana cover, live at Othermusic)I found myself humming this song the other morning after having not listened to it in maybe five years. It's a cool rendition, and it's representative of where AC were musically--I think this is still pre-Sung Tongs, so it's just Avey and Panda on acoustic guitars. Geologist made a remark, somewhere, at some point, when he was asked about whether the band would ever go back to using guitars like this again, and he said, "Isn't three albums of acoustic enough?" [that run of Campfire Songs-Sung Tongs-Prospect Hummer.] If you're one of the people who doesn't enjoy Avey Tare's 'yelp,' then maybe steer clear of this one, because it's pretty loaded with squeals, cries, mewlings, and screams.[Buy Animal Collective records]

Black Cherry Cola Marker Sniff

Deliquesce in the Daisies