Handsome Drug Dealers

Mogg and Naudascher - Moon Unit, Pt. 4Moon Unit Pt. 4 is unnaturally pretty and rich and deep, and reminded me for that reason of this paragraph from F. Scott Fotzgerald's "The Diamond as Big as The Ritz," where the main character, John, sees his friend Percy's house for the first time:

Full in the light of the stars, an exquisite chateau rose from the borders of the lake, climbed in marble radiance half the height of an adjoining mountain, then melted in grace, in perfect symmetry, in feminine languor, into the massed darkness of a forest of pine. The many towers, the slender tracery of the sloping parapets, the chiselled wonder of a thousand yellow windows with their oblongs and hectagons and triangles of golden light, the shattered softness of the intersecting of star-shine and blue shade, all trembled on John's spirit like a chord of music.

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Wind Chill Equalled God's Breath

Circuit Breaker Poetry