Wind Chill Equalled God's Breath

The Monsoon Bassoon - Fuck You, Fuck Your TelelscopeThis song sounds like the result of a dare, in a way: make a nearly instrumental track that mixes in late-90s alternative, Loop, and the Refused. The album this comes from, "I Dig Your Voodoo," is deeply weird. There's no way to describe it but through lame approximations and hypotheticals: mid-period Incubus's penchant for hooded vocals + Piebald's love of quick time changes, British Amy Lee whisper-singing, guitar non sequiturs. This is too strange not to be someone's very personal vision, a vision of wild music made irreversibly real, and I admire that. This is like a sculpture that somehow looks so vulnerable that you want to go over and hug it.[Buy Monsoon Bassoon's singles. "I Dig Your Voodoo" is out of print, but there are plans, apparently, to reissue it soon]Sean at Said the Gramophone has put up his Best of 2010 list and it is wonderful, wide-ranging, entertaining, enlightening. Go check it out. The whole list is available piecemeal or as two big downloads. This will be good for your holiday extravaganzas.

Hotshell Soviet Disco

Handsome Drug Dealers